Rummage sales are a great way to get rid of unwanted items while making a little extra cash. Hosting one sale with other people maximizes traffic and increases profits. However, coordinating rummage sales with multiple sellers can be a challenge. Whether you are organizing a rummage sale with parents, siblings, friends, or a combination of all three, keeping track of who sold what can quickly become a logistical nightmare. That's where StickerPrice comes in.
StickerPrice is a innovative app that helps people coordinate rummage sales with multiple sellers. Through the use of Smart Stickers, rummage sale users now have a simple tool to check out customers and track sales throughout the weekend. Smart Stickers come with a variety of symbols, which are tracked automatically for every item and every sale.
For example, if you are organizing a rummage sale with three sellers, each seller can be assigned a unique symbol. The items for sale can then be marked with the corresponding symbol, allowing the app to automatically separate individual seller items.

One of the typical challenges with tracking sales between multiple sellers is keeping track of who sold what. With StickerPrice, this challenge is eliminated. The app tallies up the totals and each seller can easily see how many of their items have sold and how much they have earned.

StickerPrice is a game-changer for coordinating rummage sales with multiple sellers. So, be sure to check out StickerPrice to make your life a whole lot easier. Because no one has time for tracking it the old way!