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Rummage Sale Resurgence: Statistics show renewed interest in second hand sales

Rummage sales and yard sales have been popular events in the United States for decades, allowing people to sell their unwanted items and earn some extra cash. And while the idea of hosting a sale is nothing new, survey data suggests the popularity is higher than ever.

According to a survey conducted by, 67% of Americans have either hosted or shopped at a yard sale in the past year. In addition, a report from Statista found that the estimated number of garage sales in the United States in 2020 was over 5 million!

StickerPrice is bursting on to the scene in an attempt to infuse technology into the rummage sale process. The app-based platform allows users to use QR code prepriced Smart Stickers for their items, making the selling process more efficient, accurate with the ability to separate profits between multiple sellers.

StickerPrice's timing is perfect, as younger generations are increasingly interested in rummage sales and yard sales. A survey conducted by OfferUp found that 79% of millennials have bought or sold items at a yard sale, compared to 65% of baby boomers. With StickerPrice's user-friendly platform and emphasis on QR code prepriced Smart Stickers, it is likely that this platform will continue to gain traction among this younger demographic.

In terms of frequency, a survey by found that 62% of people who host yard sales do so once or twice per year, while 18% host sales three or four times per year. StickerPrice's features may encourage sellers to host more frequent sales, increasing opportunities for buyers too.

Rummage sales and yard sales remain a popular way for people to sell unwanted items and earn some extra cash. With the rise of new technology and platforms like StickerPrice, these events are becoming even more accessible and efficient for both buyers and sellers. Happy selling!

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